Due Diligence & Investigations


From Belem Group

Tanya at BostonTalks

Back in May, Tanya was one of four featured speakers at WGBH's BostonTalks event. She joined a neuroscientist, a beekeeper, and a musician onstage to talk about risk. You can read some excerpts from her speech below, and then go here to watch the whole thing if you want to hear more!

“I’ve made my career in risk management, but in a very particular corner of risk management. I’m a private investigator and a fraud examiner. This means that I get hired to identify the hidden risks associated with people that my clients are thinking of going into business with.

Is she secretly the next Bernie Madoff?

Does he post sexist rants online?

Are they getting ready to take my client’s money and run?

It’s my job to discover these risks before my clients lose their reputations and their money, and I’ve been doing this for a decade, mostly in industries like software, oil and gas, and manufacturing.

But a few years ago, one of my clients asked me to look into a cannabis-related business in California...”

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